Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Marriage is a Funny Thing

I usually drive home from work in the evenings with a magazine in my lap because traffic is horrendous. Don't worry I only use it to occupy my lack of patience and ADD-self during completely stopped moments in my commute. I am an excellent driver and I would never read or be the slightest bit distracted while driving. Never.

On this one particular evening, I was super excited to get home. Johnny had been in Ft. Drum, NY for a week for work and I couldn't wait to get home to see him. As I was flipping through my Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine, I came across an ad for laundry detergent. And much to my dismay, it was a "scratch-n-sniff" type ad to smell the new scent Fresh Water Sparkle. I LOVE scratch-n-sniff...I mean, honestly, who didn't like scratch-n-sniffs as a kid?!

So what does any woman who's excited to get home to her husband do?

Use it as perfume, duh.

Yes, that's right, I didn't even hesitate. Scratch, scratch and up to my neck it went.

I finally got home and attacked Johnny with welcome home hugs and kisses and guess what he said?

"You smell good, Amanda!"

"Why thank you hunny, it's called Fresh Water Sparkle, it's new." :)

-the end-


Anonymous said...

YOU are a funny thing!

AldyWaldy said...

You make an awesome couple!Wish you all the happiness and love in life...:)

amberr. said...

Hahaha that is so funny!